So there I was, a fresh-faced budding young woman of 14. I was at the movies with some friends and that’s when I first saw him. He became very important in my “formative years” and was often on my mind as I drifted off…

Something for Everyone! |
Happy Earth Day 2015
Earth Day 2015! It’s like the Super Bowl of the Living Clean and Dirty regular season. It’s here! It’s here! No, this level of excitement isn’t about hump day or as I like to call it “Inappropriate Mortician” day but that’s moderately exciting too…
Not so Fast-Food
In the words of the great Ferris Bueller “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” I equate this quote to my behavior at the dinner table at the risk of my husband…
I want to give you an STD
Ok, you should know by now that I’m into the shock factor, and I’ve come to realize that’s ok. I don’t believe as a society we listen to the gentle whispers, we are a society of Octo-mom, mermaid mockumentaries and Haliburton. Nobody is going…
Forget Cake, I Say Let them Eat BARF
“I’m going to let you in on a little secret, I’m the crazy one.” Usually after a glass (bottle) of wine I find myself uttering that sentence to people I’m friendly with but not yet friends. The more people get to know me they…
Babe…I’ve got food babe – Unsponsored Review
I’d like to dazzle you with a handful of quotes that I try to consider when it comes to food and what I feed my family. “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” – Virginia Woolf “Sex is good,…
Lick it before you bite it
We all make choices every day. Even choosing not to make a choice is a choice. Most of the choices are small ones, coffee or juice, soup or salad, Polish Bike Ride or Cambodian Basket Toss, you get the idea. Sometimes we even make…
Surviving Val-Pocalypse 2015
As I’m sure you can tell by now, I love to have a good laugh. But I should preface that with the fact that the material needs to be funny. Back in my single days a guy gave me this card on Valentine’s Day….