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Fitness that Fits in your Hand

When it comes to getting sweaty, going to the gym is pretty low on my list.  There are plenty of other activities I like to participate in that I can convince myself is burning calories.  Chief among them is eating super spicy food on the couch watching TV with the air conditioning off. Sure it’s…

The Perfect 10

Previously…on a very special Living Clean and Dirty podcast. OK, everyone who knows me knows I love to recycle.  Whether it’s tin cans, shampoo bottles or toilet paper it doesn’t really matter to me.  In the spirit of recycling I have taken my 10-Step Commandments from our podcast and recycled/reused here in one nice neat…

Yoga: Today’s Four Letter Word

In my younger days if you were to ask me about yoga I would have immediately responded with “well, he’s smarter than your average bear and loves picnic baskets, but why he wore a hat and tie but no pants I have no idea”.  As I got a little older, a little wiser and honestly…

Where do mommys and daddys come from?

In a twist on the birds and the bees conversation, our kids have often asked how me and the hubby first met. To be honest the explanation we gave them was a bit more g-rated than the explanation you’re getting. But like all other great super-teams (The X-Men, The Avengers, The Goonies, Luke & Laura)…

Welcome to Douchebagistan, Population: ME!

Let’s start 2017 with some definitions Goals: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end Selfish: Devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. Liquor: How a male animal cleans his mate (ok, that one might be a bit of a…

Not so Fast-Food

In the words of the great Ferris Bueller “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”  I equate this quote to my behavior at the dinner table at the risk of my husband associating this movie with things rapidly going into my mouth, I’m…