Clearly if you want good video quality you’ve come to the wrong place. What I can offer you however, is three things… A call from The Avengers A new color is discovered A great way to give your old clothes a second life Stay…

Something for Everyone! |
Surviving the holidays is truly a miracle
So…many many years ago when the world was new and full of hope (I’m talking like 1983) we had 4 distinct seasons. You could set your watch by them…they even made rhymes out of them. “Winter Spring, Summer Fall, which do you like best…
What a doll!
Not since Chucky (or in our feature image, the Bride of Chucky @barbiechulanyc) has there been such Buzz about a doll who is no longer where you left him last. I’m of course talking about the Elf on the Shelf…often imitated, never duplicated. He’s…
Compassion Is In Fashion
I read a lot of things on the internet. I always stop and shake my head when I come across some sort of inspirational quote which comes from a “questionable” source. “Don’t be a Dick” – Ghandi “Send Nudes, Not Hate” – Thomas Jefferson…
And the Winner is…
A huge congratulations goes out to Linda D, the winner of the pureWash PRO X2 and also to our second runner up who won a bottle of pureWash PRE. Now because in this day and age everyone MUST get a trophy whether they won…
If you hate free stuff, don’t read this!!
OK, so if you’re like me then you do indeed like free stuff. Well, let me tell you I’ve got a “full load” of a giveaway happening right now!! In last week’s article (it’s not too late to read it…or even re-read it, it’s…
Saving Money and the Earth…One Load at a Time
In my house whenever I say, “I need to do the laundry” my hubby jumps up and down screaming, “I’m the laundry”. Unlike most people I know I like doing the laundry, the one where I actually clean our clothes, and even my husband’s…