Podcast time here at LC&D…For our first episode, we’re having a few drinks and talking about where the idea for the the website and the podcast came from as well as what 2017 has in store for us.

Something for Everyone! |

Bringing the Dirty Back in 2017
Podcast time here at LC&D…For our first episode, we’re having a few drinks and talking about where the idea for the the website and the podcast came from as well as what 2017 has in store for us.
Our Mystic-al Girl’s Trip
I hate the idea of a bucket list, it’s so depressing. Instead I keep a constant “Life to Do List” running in my head. High up on that list was a visit to Mystic, Connecticut. If you are like me and have started to…
You Must Tend Your Garden
When I was young and single, personal hygiene was at the top of my daily shit to do list. Basically that means I was very attentive to “tending the garden”. That’s just nice talk for shaving or waxing your bush so that when a…
Summer Camp…it’s not just for kids anymore
When I used to think of Mount Snow in Vermont I pictured skiing, snowboarding and hot cocoa. I still love all of those things, but I think my family and I found something we love even more about Mount Snow…Family Camp, where their motto…
Kalahari Resorts & Conventions in the Poconos
My husband is very picky about where we go on vacation as a family. He says his criteria are simple. We must go somewhere that has something for everyone, must be all under one roof because constant traveling is not a vacation, and most…
So smart, It’ll make you cry
Do scallions work like onions and make you cry? Ahh, who cares. It got you to check out the article and the video below. Hi guys, I know you are all struggling along without your regular LC&D updates so I thought I’d throw you…
Who gives a chip?
Raise your hand if you like potato chips… (wow, that’s a lot of hands) Now, I love processed foods as much as the next gal, but I also know how bad they are for you. In my quest to give my kids the…