So I was a child of the late 70s to early 80s and when I think back to those glorious days of Jelly shoes, PacMan and Trapper Keepers I start to remember my favorite gifts that I got from my parents. See if you…

Something for Everyone! |
I Want to Be Your Sole Survivor
Here’s an easy green tip for all of my peeps. Take off your shoes at the front door. OK, back when I was pre-green I thought this was weird when people would ask me to go shoeless in their house. Take off my fucking…
Be Tolerant of Intolerance
Like most of the world, I never liked to try new things and I hate change, but last year I began my “Year of Fear” project. We’re not talking about bungee jumping and getting tattoos, but more like wearing plaid and keeping my eyes…
Just the Tip – You don’t bring me vases anymore
I have to be honest, when it comes to husbands I’m pretty lucky. Sure I bust his balls all the time as I drag him with me on my journey into the green, but he’s definitely a good egg. Early on when we were…
Your poo is green? That’s awesome, so is mine!
Wikipedia says that Necrophilia is the sexual attraction to corpses, the term has been around for about 160 years. OK, two things… First, me and the hubby love a good game of “oooh look, a naked dead body” in the bedroom but that’s just…
Just the tip – There’s a party in my pitcher
Here’s a quick green tip…I was going to call it a wet quickie but we’ve been calling it the pitcher party for so long I couldn’t resist. Water Pitcher: Pretty much the only time I’m guaranteed to completely finish a glass of water is…
Greening up his cleaning habits
When I began changing our personal care products so we bought only cruelty-free my hubby made three requests. I have to give the guy credit, to the average bear I’m getting into some pretty weird shit here. I would say that he rubbed his…
Paint…it’s not just for breakfast anymore
Remember hearing all those awful stories when we were younger about kids getting sick from eating lead paint. Well it turns out that today’s paint isn’t exactly as worry free as we may think. I’m not saying anyone sees a can of paint and…