There are three words that this girl lives to hear. That’s right…Pakistan, Magnesium and Iodine. I used to think that maybe 2 of them were places that you can only get to by plane and one is something you put on cuts for some…

Something for Everyone! |
Doggy Style in the Kitchen
I love my kids, I love my husband, but there will always be a special love I have for my dogs. Since I started down this crazy eco-road feeding my dogs has completely changed since I first became a dog owner many moons ago….
There’s nothing tighter than a budget
There are certain things in this world I despise…mullets, dog walkers who dont pick up, critics of the movie Xanadu. But the tip-top of my list is grocery shopping, I’d rather play the rusty trombone (look it up) than spend more than 3 minutes…
Driving Miss Dirty
One of our favorite bands from the 80s was The Cars, this week’s podcast has absolutely nothing to do with them. After a glass or two (sorry I misspelled bottle) I may find myself standing on the bed singing “Greased Lightning” or god help…
The Most Valuable Cheat Sheet You Never Knew About – Unsponsored Review
I’m going to tell you a story about a story…or in this case a book. I read a lot of books. It’s not unusual for my hubby to find me passed out in bed (empty wine glass next to me like a loyal soldier)…
Where do mommys and daddys come from?
In a twist on the birds and the bees conversation, our kids have often asked how me and the hubby first met. To be honest the explanation we gave them was a bit more g-rated than the explanation you’re getting. But like all other…
Welcome to Douchebagistan, Population: ME!
Let’s start 2017 with some definitions Goals: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end Selfish: Devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. Liquor: How a male animal cleans…
The Bride and the Grooming
I’ve given him “moist” & “panties”, not to be confused with moist panties. There are a few words that even creep him out so tonight I get my revenge. Learn about being animal-friendly without having to smell like one.