“It’s the thought that counts.” “Say thank you.” “Look surprised” (even though you know what you’re getting). “Smile” (even if you hate it) and “gush about how you always wanted one”. Gifting 101. My mom drilled this into my head so by the time I was 5 I had the “gift smile” down pat. I’m…
Usually by spiritual I mean "with alcohol"...just not this time
Compassion Is In Fashion
I read a lot of things on the internet. I always stop and shake my head when I come across some sort of inspirational quote which comes from a “questionable” source. “Don’t be a Dick” – Ghandi “Send Nudes, Not Hate” – Thomas Jefferson “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope” – Sun Tzu…
Gratitude…freshly brewed in a paper cup
One day is all it took to change my life forever. If you’re like me, you read that in Don LaFontaine’s voice. Did I lose you with that reference? Basically, if you’ve ever seen a movie trailer in your life then you have heard his voice. He was the “In A World…” guy who narrated…
The Nuclear (meltdown) Family
FIFO…remember that When it comes to parenting, my husband has a primary goal. “It’s our job as parents to teach you how to exist in society”. I personally think keeping them out of the adult film industry should rank slightly higher but I get where he’s coming from. All the life lessons we struggled through…
Welcome to Douchebagistan, Population: ME!
Let’s start 2017 with some definitions Goals: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end Selfish: Devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. Liquor: How a male animal cleans his mate (ok, that one might be a bit of a…
Surviving Val-Pocalypse 2015
As I’m sure you can tell by now, I love to have a good laugh. But I should preface that with the fact that the material needs to be funny. Back in my single days a guy gave me this card on Valentine’s Day. Now, granted I took some artistic liberties with the card itself…