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What I try to pass on to my girls and keep for myself

What a doll!

Not since Chucky (or in our feature image, the Bride of Chucky @barbiechulanyc) has there been such Buzz about a doll who is no longer where you left him last.  I’m of course talking about the Elf on the Shelf…often imitated, never duplicated.  He’s the little Elf doll that you secretly move around the house…

I’ve Got None Left to Give

January tends to be the most depressing month in my opinion. The weather sucks, the holidays are all over, and year after year sometime around January 6th I’ve given up on whatever absurd New Year’s resolution I’ve subjected myself to. Oh, I’ve had some doosies…eat more Kale, eat less desserts, perfect my Daffy Duck impersonation…

Welcome to Douchebagistan, Population: ME!

Let’s start 2017 with some definitions Goals: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end Selfish: Devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others. Liquor: How a male animal cleans his mate (ok, that one might be a bit of a…

Be Tolerant of Intolerance

Like most of the world, I never liked to try new things and I hate change, but last year I began my “Year of Fear” project.  We’re not talking about bungee jumping and getting tattoos, but more like wearing plaid and keeping my eyes open during sex (not at the same time, cause that’d be…