Just the tip – Low Flow Shower

I think going “green” is a spectrum of colors.  Some people are a soft sage green and some more hunter green.  Wherever you fall on the color wheel, this blog is for you.  So I’ve included some tips to help you save money and take little baby steps in your eco-friendly journey.

Today’s green tip: Saving water at shower time .  OK, let’s hit the obvious ones first…pee in the shower (no flushing), shower with your spouse (save water and spice up your morning) or the fan-favorite “I’ll shower when I stink”.  I’m not going to tell you not to bathe or to shut off the water when soaping up – you’ll call bullshit, my husband will call bullshit, and more importantly it’s totally bullshit.  That’s not very realistic for most and if I wanted to do that I would live in a Third World country with no running water.

What’s an eco-friendly, money saving girl to do?  To help conserve water and energy in the shower you can install a low-flow head (sounds more like an old man’s pecker). We were initially worried we would lose water pressure or take away our “soothing alone time experience” (that’s jacking off in man-speak) but we gave it a shot.  My husband installed them and it’s fantastic.  My pressure is just as good and I bought one that you can adjust the water down to a smaller amount so you don’t get cold AND you can use less water when soaping up or before I did laser hair removal this was a popular setting while shaving my legs.  It’s highly efficient, very affordable and good for Mother Earth.  Combine it with peeing and enjoy your golden shower jokes all day long.



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