Do you like it? There are basically three situations that in which I will get asked that question. Roughly once a month my husband will ask me that when he tries something new in the bedroom. I don’t know what websites he’s learning these…

Something for Everyone! |
I Love T.O.U.
This summer has been brutally hot, by mid-afternoon you could drown a toddler in my undies (yeah, that’s quite a picture). For the past two months I’ve opened my electric bill with the same nervous look like all the men anxiously waiting to hear…
World War C
I love movies, always have. A decent rom-com, a good tear-jerker, even a few sci-fi movies have kept me entertained, but there’s one genre that I just can’t get into…zombie movies. During quarantine I started watching a movie called World War Z. Basically it…
The Gift of Wood…it’s not just for beavers
I am and always have been a terrible gift-giver. Gift cards, girly bath stuff, a necklace…those were always my go-to gifts. All of them safe, but unfortunately also rather generic. Back when I was a wee lass (that means a lot younger) I think…
Happy Earth Day 2022
In my best Golden Girls Sophia voice…”Picture it, Washington, D.C. 1990, it was the 20th anniversary of Earth Day and I was right there on the National Mall standing shoulder to shoulder with Burt Reynolds”. OK, so Burt Reynolds wasn’t really there, at least…
Top 5 Ways to Go Green and Save Money in Your Shower
If you read my article, Top 5 Ways to Go Green and Save Money in Your Bathroom, you’ll know I’m a big fan of Top 5 lists. In fact, here are my Top 5 reasons why I love making Top 5 lists They’re between…
Was I writing about menopause? I can’t remember.
So we all know the joke that starts with “A man walks into a bar…” Well, have you heard the one that starts with “A woman walks into a room…”? Because if I’m the woman, then half the time I have no idea why…
It’s time for your Closet-oscopy
4 truths and a lie… The average person has 148 pieces of clothing. Clothes can take up to 40 years to decompose The amount of money people spend on clothes, footwear and jewelry each year is quivalent to the combined GDP of the 126…